Nicole Byer is an actress, comedian, podcaster and writer. She hosts the baking show Nailed It currently streaming on Netflix, for which she was nominated for a emmy for her work and just published a book: #VERYFAT #VERYBRAVE: The Fat Girl's Guide to Being #Brave and Not a Dejected, Melancholy, Down-in-the-Dumps Weeping Fat Girl in a Bikini she had a sitcom loosely based on her life stream on Facebook Watch called Loosely Exactly Nicole RIP. She also hosts many a podcasts:Why Won't You Date Me, Newcomers, Best Friends, and 90 Day Bae. You've also seen her on MTV's Girl Code, 30 Rock, Brooklyn 99, The Good Place, Tuca and Bertie, The Unicorn, and a Nestle commercial that only runs in Israel. She’s also been featured in Cosmopolitan, Ladies Home Journal, Elle and Ebony. Nicole has done lots of fun shit. She also tours the dang country so go see one of her shows!

Nicole Byer...
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